Vocational Services

Return to Work coordination

Effective coordination is the basis for a client’s successful return to work. This usually consists of a team meeting with the client and the employer, during which the Return to Work Plan is proposed, reviewed, and signed by all parties. We provide regular follow-up with the client and the employer throughout the return to work process.

Job placement and work hardening program

When an employer is unable to receive a client on a graduated basis, a job placement or work hardening program (with another employer or in a workshop setting) can be useful in preparing your client for a return to work in their own occupation.

When a client no longer has a position of employment to return to, a job placement or work hardening program can prepare them for a return to work with a new employer. We offer effective coordination throughout this process.

Volunteer Placement

A Volunteer Placement can be a valuable tool for work hardening and experience development, when clients are unable to return directly to their own occupation with their own employer.

We help clients find the best available placement for their needs, and follow up with placement coordination and monitoring as appropriate.

Transferable Skills Analysis (TSA)

We offer your client a list of employment options that meet their specific requirements regarding physical abilities, education level, employment experience, and remuneration range, based on their medical recommendations and detailed employment history.

Our resources include Vocational Alternatives Software, National Occupational Classification (NOC), Service Canada, Employment Insurance Wage Rates and Service Canada, and Job Futures.

Labour Market research

We help clients determine viable employment options and the availability of jobs in certain occupations by researching the labour market in the client’s geographical region.

Vocational Evaluation and Counselling

For clients who may require new direction in their vocational objectives, we assess their educational and employment history, vocational aptitudes, interests, and other factors to establish realistic employment options and areas that require further skills and development.

Evaluations are performed using some or all of the following:

  • Career Occupational Preference System (COPS) interest inventory, which measures interests, values, and abilities with respect to career clusters.
  • Career Orientation Placement and Evaluation Survey (COPES), which measures work related values and improves self-awareness.
  • Valpar Pro-3000, an extensive online system that generates skill profiles and provides in-depth, performance-related assessments of work-related abilities.
  • General Aptitude Test Battery (GATB), a series of timed tests that assist in determining an individual’s occupational aptitudes. These aptitudes are compared to a set of standards which have been designated for successful performance for specific occupations.
  • Wide Range Achievement Test 4 (WRAT4), an achievement test which measures an individual's ability to read words, comprehend sentences, spell, and compute solutions to math problems.

Our staff also offer counseling to further assist clients by recommending training programs, coordinating services, and providing job search skills assistance to find employment in an area the client could enjoy.

Job Search Skills Program (JSSP)

The job search program can be tailored to the individual needs of your client and includes the following:

  • one-on-one assistance to help customers develop their resume and cover letter
  • tips and coaching on job search fundamentals, interview skills, and job offer negotiation
  • provision of a comprehensive manual and CD with online resources


See an outline of our Job Search Skills Program here: JSSP Outline (PDF)


Contact Us










1341 Quarry Road

Carleton Place, ON

K7C 3P1



Referral form


TSA referral form 




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