Salus Cura Team

Sylvie Martel, President and Disability Management Consultant

With over 25 years of experience in the field of rehabilitation and disability health management, Sylvie has acquired a reputation for being one of the best disability managers in the Ottawa region. Over the years, she has worked in alliance with life insurance companies, employers, auto insurance carriers and lawyers to promote a proactive approach to disability management.

Sylvie Martel is a Registered Rehabilitation Professional (RRP), a Canadian Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CCRC), and has a Bachelor of Arts in Social Studies. She has served the Francophone and Anglophone community in the Ottawa and surrounding areas and would be pleased to work collaboratively with you and your client.


Lucienne Azzie, Disability Management Consultant

For the past 19 years, Lucienne Azzie has been working as a disability management consultant on long term disability claims with individuals who are in the process of returning to gainful employment. The focus of her work has always been to support and assist employees in their transition back to work.  This process has involved working closely with the employee, the employer and the caregivers in an effort to identify suitable employment based on the individual’s skills and functional capabilities.  In many instances, this requires educating managers on better understanding the accommodation needs and designing a return to work suitable for the employee and the organization. The objective has always been to help a disabled employee return to work in a productive manner.

Lucienne is fluently bilingual and demonstrates a dynamic, creative and thoughtful style in her work. She is a Registered Rehabilitation Professional (RRP) and has a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and a Bachelor of Social Sciences in Sociology.



Heather Campbell, Disability Management Consultant

Heather has over 15 years of experience providing vocational rehabilitation services and is a certified provider of the Progressive Goal Attainment Program (PGAP). Experienced in the development of Return to Work Plans and Transferable Skills Analyses, she is dedicated to proactive and cost-effective case management to facilitate successful and sustainable return to productivity.

Heather is a Registered Rehabilitation Professional (RRP) and a Certified Vocational Rehabilitation Professional (CVRP).


Bonnie Chennell, Disability Management Consultant

Bonnie Chennell is a Certified Vocational Rehabilitation Professional, Registered Massage Therapist, and a Progressive Goal Attainment Provider (PGAP), with 21+ years of professional work experience in vocational rehabilitation counselling, disability case management, return to work planning and career development.

Bonnie has formal education in conflict resolution, mental health mentoring with a Diploma in Mindfulness Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.


Jennifer Robert, Office Administrator

Jennifer brings a wealth of experience in small business operations, and re-joined our team in 2014 after a few years exploring other endeavors. With a positive attitude and strong focus on customer service, Jennifer makes sure things continue to run smoothly at Salus Cura!



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1341 Quarry Road

Carleton Place, ON

K7C 3P1



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